Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ups and Downs

This trip feels a bit like a roller-coaster ride; first, this morning my iTouch was destroyed. It fell out of my pocket while we were tuk tuking to work. That really sucked. I nearly fainted in surgery today too. I don't know why, but I think if may have something to do with my rough night of mal de caca. I was helping hold a factured patella together when I became suddenly flushed and dizzy. I have only ever fainted once before so now I recognize the warning signs. I sat down at first and when that didn't help I scrubbed out and re-hydrated. It was embarrassing but not nearly as bad as if I actually fainted. We are having a blast with the local staff here. All of us are joking and teasing one another. It feels great! I also got to drill through another man's knee today and I am still pursuing how to intubate. We got home at the height of the day's heat so I took a siesta in my A/Ced room. When I awoke I went for dinner at the diner adjacent to our hostel and there was a crowd of Cambodians there all shouting at two small TVs showing some Thai kick-boxing. One of the guys at my table was our tuk tuk driver and he filled me in on the fight and the ever changing bet/gambling odds that were being shouted back and forth across the diner. It was fun and I bet $1 a blue fighter and lost; immediately after, many of the "guys" came over to enlighten me as to the finer points of picking the better fighter. I bought them some beers and called it a night. We are pulling our plans together for Thailand and I can't wait!

1 comment:

Lidia Castro said...

I am sorry for you, i mean Mal de..., I am sorry for the iTouch! Anyways i wish you have a lot of fun the next days...
By the way it seems you are "FLACO" and of course "GUAPO". (Chele, Chulo y Cholo);)

Love, Lidia.