Sunday, November 24, 2019

Lifetime Bucket list: hike to Everest Base Camp... FUCKING CHECK!


The day started slow. As you could read from my last post, spirits were low as this interminable altitude reeked havoc on our bodies. However as we set out we found our stride and spirits once again rose. We even conquered a hill without stopping. Mt. Everest was within spitting distance to our right the entire way towards base camp. Unfortunately we could also see off in the distance the dreaded lookout hike which we have awaiting us tomorrow. From a far it appear like a serpent snaking up a vertical mountainside. We joked and chatted along the route feeling our legs gaining strength with each step, for after all we would reach Base Camp today! The weather was sunny and warm when not in the frigid shade. Oh! Did I mention that we were hiking along one of the world’s oldest glaciers. You could hear the ice cracking and grinding as it echoed off the world’s tallest mountains. There were ups and downs and even some significant boldering. We arrived at our final lodgings early morning and had a nice cup of hot black tea to stave off the morning chill. Everyone has a hacking cough, I think cold induced asthma. Then we set out towards our primary objective.  We crossed ridge lines, and sauntered through sandy valleys until we saw it! A vast rocky valley on top of a rock covered glacier only marked by some prayer flags and a spray painted rock held aloft by glacial ice. Our guide informed us that in the high season this entire valley is a giant tent city.  But now, not a tent to be seen. He also pointed out the route they take up Everest and through the glaciers. We high fived and dad gave Myla one of the most genuine hugs I have ever witnessed him give another male. Pictures were taken, I expanded on the glory that is our life and then we begrudgingly trodden back. We reached the lodge too tired to eat or think and went straight to our rooms.  Outside the plywood walls you could hear the wind ripping at the small building. But we were safe, warm, and comfortable in our beds preparing for tomorrow’s death march. 
But as I leave you today, my tiny audience, I have to thank my parents for the opportunity to have this incredible life, our wives for letting us go for 3 weeks, and Lady Luck for the great weather. We fucking hiked to Everest Base Camp today!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your description of this journey is riveting to read. Thank you for sharing so spectacularly well. I can only imagine what you are experiencing! Love, Karen