Thursday, June 25, 2020

BBQ and Driving

Well last night was fun as it rained all night without any indication from the weather news. Luckily growing up in Ketchikan has me always expecting rain while camping. We haven’t camped in awhile and I think Emily loves my pad more than her because we waged war in our sleep over the pad. Bear declared the back seat as his own and used it to sleep while camping without prompting. The next morning was a beautifully misty morning full of vibrante life. Sadly after all the driving we couldn’t see the famous new river gorge bridge due to the fog. So we set out. Bear has got the driving routine down and sleeps for most of the driving. The drive was calming and filled with great vistas. We even managed to stop along the way for a run in WV. We met up with a longtime peace corps friend and now Liberia’s PC director in Louisville, KY for out-of-this-world BBQ.  After stuffing our faces with succulent smoky meats we set out for St. Louis and arrived at aunt Julie’s house for the night. Luckily our dogs all got along and had a great time catching up before we crashed for the night. 

I did forget to mention our run yesterday in WV. We set out in rural WV, a land with more Trump/Pence yard signs than teeth or masks. As we aimlessly roamed the dangerous backcountry roads with frequent troubled on-lookers stopping us to ask us what we were doing (running in our running clothes...) and trucks zipping by at incredible speeds on these small roads I worried that somehow they could smell the Democrat on us... but we survived and logged another run towards our goal. 

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