Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Still in the air…

After a night of anxious sleep we awoke to “beautiful” Houston. We still had some pesky issues with baggage claim but they promised our bags would arrive at 11am, AND we were able to confirm our flight to Santiago!!! Praise the high One!!

 However, given that we had now been traveling for >48 hours our negative COVID tests had expired.. so we needed rush tests, at the airport (for an outrageous price..), and arrange for our local flight in Chile, of which; there was only one, it was ruinously priced, and we couldn’t  contact the agent in country despite multiple attempts to change our current ticket. Alas, the universe aligned in our favor!! We received our bags and high-fived ALL the claims reps, printed our boarding passes again high-fiving the counter reps, were negative on our COVID test (elbow bumps for the med techs), and purchased the LAST tickets to Punta Arenas (sobbing a little at the price)! Now. Finally. We could start our vacation.  

Luckily we had lounge access so we sat, relaxed, and enjoyed more Champaign for 8 more hours before our flight.  

Not to kill our luck but we made it to the plane! 48 of 72 hours into our total travel time. Only 24 more hours until we meet up with the rest of the party and the real hiking begins! Needless to say this will be the longest stint traveling I have ever experienced. Emily was a trooper!

And yes… same clothes……….

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