Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ahh med school

I know it has been awhile since my last entry but I have been busy. This year is a little less stressful than last year because I am working to stay ahead of the game. In fact, this last midterm I had I earned a high score of 95%! It felt good to do well in my Urinary Systems class. Seattle is great! I am training for the half-marathon in November as part of my goal to run a full-marathon before I turn 30. Speaking of which, today I learned that I am the oldest person living in my house. I have never been the oldest anything anywhere. I know I am not that old but my life has been such an amazing adventure that I am sad to see time slipping away from me. But what can you do? I have always had everything I've needed and nearly all that I've wanted so I really can't complain. Thats all for now, short and sweet..

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