Well, I am in my final quarter of the academic years of medical school. Phrases like 'burned-out', 'in a fog', and the like have become very familiar. To recap a bit on what is currently going on; I am sloshing my way through the last of my classes, reproduction, GI, skin, pharm II, etc. And at the same time trying to begin studying for the USMLE Boards (yet another test that will 'define the course of my life' just as the SATs, and the MCATs etc) which is terrifying and stressful all in one. To offer a better understanding of this test, imagine taking full time upper level graduate science courses for 8 quarters including biochemistry, cardiopulmonary pathophysiology, all the organ system classes (all physiology, pathology, pharmacology, diagnostics, epidemiology, etc), pharmacology (over 1000+ drugs, side effects, mechanisms of action, etc) and being tested with extreme detail over all of this material. AND this test is the only thing that distinguishes you from your peers in terms of job placement. AND everyone you meet, bump into, and work with is constantly reminding you of how important this test is and how terrified you should be feeling at the moment. It is a 9 hour test that you only can take once. We do get a month to study for it but it is over the course of the sunniest month in Seattle. Ugh....
Recently was my last spring break. It was a little heart breaking to spend it all in Seattle (most of which I spent studying... :(
This is what my desk is going to look like in June (USMLE Hell Month). I only managed to get through 2 subjects.
I did get out and about and found that Seattle has a bunch of fun jazz bars. I found this little hole in the wall place called Tula's and though it was a touch $$ the music was amazing and the people there were very interesting.
It was a music themed week because I wound up with free tickets to the Seattle symphony. The experienced turned out to be great! The was free wine and appetizers for this concert and the pieces were all newly composed and I fortunately found my self sitting next to one of the featured composers.

Unfortunately on the other side of me sat a dean or head honcho of research at UW. I have no experience or real interest in research... I wish I did but... I didn't get that gene from my dad.

The rest of the week was eating out at fantastic restaurants, drinking great wines, and walking throughout Seattle. It did feel good to recharge. Well that is the mini-update for now. I will try to keep up a little more frequently...
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