Monday, February 10, 2025

The Journey Begins: Baby Joni’s First Flight

We embarked on our grand Japan adventure yesterday, and it was Joni’s first-ever flight. This milestone required military-grade preparation. Bags were packed and repacked, supplies checked and triple-checked, and, just to be sure, we checked again. Our wonderful neighbor, Kally, embodying true early-morning heroism, graciously rose before the sun to drive us to the airport, sending us off with sleepy smiles and well wishes.

The first battle of the trip commenced almost immediately: The Great Car Seat Escape. Joni’s travel car seat, which had seemed like such a wise and practical purchase, transformed into an impenetrable fortress the moment I attempted to remove it. I wrestled with clasps, levers, and, at one point, my own dignity. Panic crept in. Was this it? Were we destined to raise Joni in the airport parking lot? But then, like a seasoned adventurer discovering the ancient key to a long-lost temple, Emily casually pressed an easy-release button, and the entire ordeal ended in an instant. My hero.

Once inside, Joni turned on the charm. The ticket agents gushed over her. Who could blame them? She was putting on a masterclass in adorable cooing and contented blinking. We sailed through security, proving that, at least for this leg of the journey, our meticulous packing had paid off.

Then came the ultimate test: the flight. Would she cry? Would she wail? Would we be exiled midair for disturbing the peace? The answer, to our surprise and delight, was none of the above. Joni slept. Peacefully. Effortlessly. She was so serene that the passengers around us had no idea they had been in the presence of a baby until we landed. Then, as if on cue, they showered her with compliments for her stellar performance as the world’s most pleasant infant traveler.

We made another smooth transition through the airport (Joni, apparently, is a seasoned pro at this whole “adventure” thing) and arrived at Emily’s parents’ house, where we were immediately enveloped in warmth and celebration.

Shortly after settling in, Uncle Ben and cousin Madison arrived, eager to meet Joni for the first time. They fawned over her instantly. A delightful charcuterie spread fueled our first round of family chatter and laughter. Just as we were getting cozy, the door burst open and in stormed Uncle Michael with cousins Sophia and Lucas in tow. Lucas, in particular, was immediately enamored with Joni, treating her like a treasure he’d just unearthed.

But the night held one more cause for celebration, it was Uncle Michael’s 40th birthday! The Rosenfelds departed for a play, leaving us to enjoy a birthday dinner with the Ecks, swapping stories, catching up, and passing Joni around like a prized artifact from an esteemed museum (one that occasionally needed a fresh diaper).

And then, the biggest question of all: How would Joni do on her first night away from home and her beloved Snoo?

Answer: Like a champ.

The next day we met up with Ben, Miche, Jack, and Madison for a fun and savory little brunch in downtown Seattle. Miche’s first meeting with Joni was simple and fun. He adored her and showed affection that only a father of four could. After a nice meal we headed up to Bellingham for Super Bowl Sunday Hogan style (which never disappoints). Stella got to meet Joni and we partied the night away. Go EAGLES!! 

Thus, our journey has begun, smooth flights, loving reunions, milestone birthdays, and a baby who has already embraced the spirit of travel with effortless grace. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your best adventure ever! This is the best time for developing her travel skills,
which I am sure there will be many.
Nick, I so enjoy your vivid writing.
Your Joni is absolutely beautiful!
Congratulations and every Mother
needs a Daughter!
Blessings and Love,
Arlene Snell